CPRE Hedgerow Heroes project
Working with young people
CPRE Shropshire is delighted to be working with the Shropshire Hills AONB and the Shropshire Wildlife Trust to develop and deliver hedgerow lessons to 16 primary schools in the county (North and South) in 2022/23.
Following on from our popular Hedge Kitbag resource developed last year for use by Forest Schools (more here), we are developing a Hedge Story Sack this year which will be available to borrow from libraries later this year. Sarah Griffiths from Life Goes on Learning is working with us on this project.
We hope to run some further hedgelaying training sessions with young people via the Shropshire Hills AONB Young Rangers.
Check back here for more information in due course.
Forest Schools Hedgerow Kitbag
CPRE Shropshire has been collaborating with Sarah Griffiths from Life goes On Learning and the Shropshire Hills AONB to produce a Hedgerow Kitbag full of useful resources to be used by 22 local Forest Schools when out and about with the children. The Kitbag aims to make hedges places of interest and excitement with Activity sheets, picture cards and other goodies.
More information about the Hedge Kitbags here.